Disclosure log

A disclosure log makes information disclosed to an applicant under the Right To Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) available to a wider public audience. The RTI Act does not authorise publication of documents that contain the applicant’s personal information - only documents that do not contain the personal information of the applicant may be published to a disclosure log.

The RTI Act provides that if an agency decides to give access to a document that does not contain personal information of the applicant, and the applicant accesses the document within the access period (40 business days), the agency may include in a disclosure log a copy of the document if this is reasonably practical or details identifying the document and information about the way in which the document may be accessed*.   

If an agency decides to give access to a document that does not contain personal information of the applicant and the applicant fails to access the document within the access period, details identifying the document, and information about the way in which the document may be accessed and any applicable charge, may be included in a disclosure log.

*Section 78B of the RTI Act requires that information (including individuals’ names) must be deleted from any document or information published on the disclosure log if:

  • publication of the information is prevented by law;
  • the information may be defamatory;
  • if included in the disclosure log, the information would unreasonably invade an individual’s privacy or cause substantial harm to an entity;
  • the information is, or allows to be ascertained:
    • information of a confidential nature communicated in confidence by a person other than the agency; or
    • information that is protected from disclosure under a contract; or
  • that, if included the disclosure log, would cause substantial harm to an entity.

How to access released documents

You can obtain copies of the released documents by emailing a request with the details of the information requested, including the reference number, and how you wish copies to be provided (e.g. email, CD, hard copy) to: rti@qr.com.au
Alternatively, you can send a written request to:
Senior Adviser RTI and Privacy
Queensland Rail
GPO Box 1429
Brisbane QLD 4001

Disclosure log - 2022