How do I access information?

You can access much of the information made available by Queensland Rail through its Publication Scheme.

If you cannot find what you are looking for, complete an online customer enquiry form requesting whether or not the information you are looking for is available administratively by the appropriate Queensland Rail business group.

All information held by or under the control of Queensland Rail which is not available by administrative arrangements will need to be applied for under the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) (RTI Act) or the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) (IP Act).

Making an application

You can make and RTI or IP application using the form located at this link: Right to Information and Information Privacy Access Application Form.

Your application must:

  • be in writing and in the approved form
  • provide an address to which a notification of the decision may be sent
  • be addressed to the Senior Adviser RTI and Privacy
  • include payment of the application fee if the information you request is not related to your personal information

Fees and charges

The Right to Information application fee is $53.90 (as of 1 July 2022).

A processing charge is $8.35 per fifteen minutes or part thereof may apply if it takes more than five hours to process your application. An access charge may also be payable for a physical copy of released documents.

Important notes:

  1. Do not submit the application online. The online application form is to be used for Government Departments only and not for particular agencies such as Queensland Rail
  2. Queensland Rail is unable to accept credit card payments online for RTI applications. Please do not provide your credit card details. Payment can be made by credit card over the phone, cheque, or electronic funds transfer (EFT).

Please post or scan and email the completed form to:

Senior Adviser RTI and Privacy
Queensland Rail
GPO Box 1429
Brisbane Qld 4001

Fax: 07 3072 8389