As part of Queensland Rail's ongoing Station Accessibility Upgrade Program, work is continuing on plans to upgrade Buranda station to provide a service that is accessible, easy to get to, and easy to use.
Since sharing early designs with the community, Queensland Rail has been working closely with the adjacent Transit Oriented Development to ensure Buranda's new design better integrates with the area's surrounding development and supports improved transport connections.
Final concept designs have now been developed and are available to view in the 'Resources' section, below.
This upgrade will provide access paths from accessible station entrances to the assisted boarding points, achieved through platform raising and upgrading accessible parking and essential station and customer facilities.
These improvements will support many customers who use our network, such as those using mobility devices, people with vision or hearing impairment, seniors, people with injuries and those travelling with prams and luggage.
Features of the upgrade include:
- a new pedestrian footbridge with lift access
- a fully raised platform encompassing the core zone and assisted boarding point
- upgraded hearing augmentation loop and tactile platform surfaces
- upgraded security cameras and lighting around the core zone
- new wayfinding and platform signage around the core zone.
Queensland Rail will provide further updates to the community once more details about the project's delivery are known.
Feedback can be provided by contacting the project team via phone, email or mail as outlined under 'Enquiries'.
For regular email updates on the station upgrade, join the project’s
mailing list.
Phone: 1800 722 203
Station Upgrade Project
Queensland Rail
PO Box 1429
Brisbane QLD 4001
Project information
- Buranda station project update - February 2023 PDF
- Buranda station accessibility upgrade flyer - May 2018 PDF |
Final designs
- Buranda station artist's impression - aerial view from Arne Street side PDF
- Buranda station artist's impression - aerial view from Gillingham Street side PDF
- Buranda station artist's impression - platform entry area PDF
- Buranda station artist's impression - Gillingham Street entry PDF
- Buranda station artist's impression - platform view PDF
Previous artist impressions
- Buranda station artist's impression - aerial view
- Buranda station artist's impression - platform view
Feedback form
- Buranda station accessibility upgrade feedback form