Independent Non-Executive DirectorAppointed 1 October 2016
Experience: Stephen has more than 40 years of experience in a broad range of strategic, functional and customer-facing roles within multi-billion dollar national and international business environments. In his executive career, Stephen has worked in a range of C-suite and CEO roles in both the private and public sectors.
During six years at publicly listed Bradken, he managed a global network of steel foundries and sales offices supplying differentiated consumable and capital products to markets in the resources, freight rail and power generation sectors in Australasia, Africa, China, India; as well as North and South America. In his 33-year career at Queensland Rail, Stephen worked across various functions from entry-level roles through to Chief Executive Officer. He led what was then Australia’s largest transportation company through significant restructuring and change, delivering growth and innovation across a broad portfolio of activities. As a result, he has established a reputation as a national leader in freight and passenger transport, and in supply chain innovation.
Qualifications: MBus, BBus, Grad Dip Transport and Logistics Management, FCILT, FCIEAM, GAICD
Member of: People, Safety and Environment Committee (Chair), Major Projects and Procurement Committee
Other Board and Committee Memberships: Chair of Tasmanian Railway Pty Ltd and an ex-officio member of its
Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee, Major Projects Committee and People Safety and Environment
Committee, Director of Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd and a member of its People and Performance Committee and a Director of Lindsay Australia Limited and Chair of its Health and Safety Committee.